Tag: ict4d

  • Why Our Tech Talk Needs A Values Talk

    Why Our Tech Talk Needs A Values Talk

    (Or, why we need to remove that elevated freeway to hell paved with “good” tech intentions) That breathless hyper excitement so often celebrated in talk about technology is not new. Almost 100 years ago (about 3 generations ago) the automobile was the “Big Data” application or fancy wearable of its day. It was a product…

  • John Dewey 2.0 – We the P2P Public, Reassembling, Eclipsed No More

    John Dewey 2.0 – We the P2P Public, Reassembling, Eclipsed No More

    John Dewey wrote 2.5 human generations ago (in 1927) about what we now find so valuable in digital peer to peer systems of communication that enable better freedom of Expression, Transparency, and Collaboration. Dewey’s writing was in response to Walter Lippmann who wrote cynically about the “Phantom Public” and in that era of broadcast-top-down-one-way-media on the rise it’s…